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To teach kids discipline, sportsmanship, and an active lifestyle through the medium of baseball.

ESTD 1968

Parents Code of Conduct


The purpose of this document is to ensure that parents of players involved in the Dubuque Independent League Baseball program are made aware of and are participants of the Leagues 

No Nonsense to Violence and Good Sportsmanship policy involving coaches, players, parents and fans. 

We hereby pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for our child participating in Dubuque Independent League Baseball by following this Parents' Code of Conduct Pledge. 

- We will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every  game, practice, or tournament. 

- We will place the emotional and physical well being of our child ahead of a personal desire to win. 

- We will insist that our child play in a safe and healthy environment. 

- We will support coaches and officials working with our child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all. 

- We will remember that the game is for the kids and not for the adults. 

- We will do our very best to make youth sports fun for our child. 

- We will require our child treat other players, coaches, fans, and officials, with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability. 

- We promise to help our child enjoy the youth baseball experience by doing whatever we can, such as being a respectable fan, assisting with coaching, or providing transportation. 

- We will insist that our child's coach upholds the Coaches' Code of Conduct. 

- We acknowledge the fact that the Dubuque Independent League cannot and will not tolerate any profanity or hostile or disruptive outbursts by coaches, players, parents or fans. 

- We will support the elected League Board Members and their decisions. Acknowledging that this is an unpaid volunteer position and all Board Members do their best to uphold their elected position. We further acknowledge that any acts or actions presented to league parents, coaches, or outside individuals that intend to undermined the Board Members integrity or the integrity of the Dubuque Independent league shall be a violation of the leagues code of conduct and will be acted upon by the executive board and the 8 person board that have been elected by the league coaches. 

We understand that if we would be involved in any inappropriate fan conduct at a game that the team could possibly forfeit the game and we could be suspended from attending further Dubuque Independent League games. This penalty will be decided by the board of directors.

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Dubuque Independent League

PO Box 434 
Dubuque, Iowa 52004

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