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To teach kids discipline, sportsmanship, and an active lifestyle through the medium of baseball.

ESTD 1968

C League Game Rules


(Any rules prior to April 1, 2024, are obsolete)

1.  The League will use Iowa High School Federation rules with the exceptions that are listed below.

2.  Base paths are 65’ with a pitching rubber of 45’.  Home team will occupy the 3rd base dugout.  Away team will occupy the 1st base dugout. 

3.  Metal spikes are NOT permitted at the “C” level.   It is suggested that players wear long pants.  Jerseys must not have frayed edges or torn sleeves.  All teams should have matching uniforms and caps.  Caps need to be worn properly.  Jerseys must be tucked in during play.  It is also suggested that players wear hard athletic cups during play.

4.  Bunting will be allowed.  Once a batter squares away to punt, they must bunt or take the pitch.  If a batter takes a full swing, he will be called out.

5.  Home plate is closed.  Runners shall not advance from third base to home unless:

               A.  The runner advances as a result of any batted ball.

               B.  Forced home by a walk or HBP.

               C.  A throw is made on a player at 3rd base or going to 3rd base on a steal, passed ball, wild pitch, or a pickoff attempt by catcher.

               D.  Award from the umpire

Runners shall not advance home on a passed ball, wild pitch, or dropped third strike . 

Example A: Player A is at first base.  Player A attempts to steal of second and the throw is wild.  The runner then runs to third base and there is an over throw of third base, the runner IS ALLOWED to advance home. 

Example B: Player A is at first base.  Player A attempts to steal of second and the throw is wild.  The runner then runs to third base and before any play can be made Player A attempts to score.   The runner is NOT ALLOWED to score.

A runner my steal any base EXCEPT home, but must not leave the base until the ball crosses the plate.      Umpires will call the runner out if he leaves the base early.  The pitch is a dead ball. 

6.  Ten player line-ups will be used

7.  Pitchers need not stretch.  No balk rules

8.  Infield fly rule will apply.   (If a team is batting with less than two outs and has runners on first and second or the bases loaded, the infield fly rule is applied).   This rule is intended to prevent unfair sportsmanship by the fielder that would result in an easy double or triple play.

9.  A player who draws a walk is not allowed to advance to second base immediately after drawing the walk.   The runner may not advance to second base until the pitcher delivers the next pitch or an attempt is made to retire a runner already on base.

10.  A batter CANNOT run on a dropped third strike.

11.  Score – for the first 1 hour of play, each team is limited to scoring seven runs against an opponent in each inning played.  If seven runs are scored, then your half of the inning is over.   The other team bats.  This will be in effect for the first one hour of play AND until the top of the next inning.  After one hour, the innings are open as for the number of runs that can be scored.

12.  The minimum number of players to start a game for a team is nine players.  In the event a team is batting only 9 players, the 10th spot in the batting order will be an out each time through the lineup as teams at this level can, and should field 10.   In event of injury or illness to a player during the game which results in nine players, enforcement of an out for the 10th spot will not occur.   However, should an ejection result in 9 players, enforcement of an out for the 10th spot will occur.

13.  Pitchers:

               A.  A relief pitcher will be allowed eight warm-up pitches.

               B.  Four warm-up pitches are allowed to a returning pitcher for the next inning

               C.  A pitcher once removed from that position cannot go back in to pitch again in that game, he can play any other position.

               D.  All the above rules and those below refer to all league regulation games.  This applies to all make-up and re-scheduled games.  This should be a reference for all coaches in tournaments and outside games as well.   Remember, it is your conscience that will determine the use of a pitcher’s arm. 

14.  Pitching Rules – see “Pitching Guidelines” under “Rules and Regulations” tab. 

Daily Max: 75 pitches                    

Required Rest:

1-20 pitches = 0 days

21-35 pitches = 1 day

36-50 pitches = 2 days

51-65 pitches = 3 days

66+ pitches = 4 days


A.  Pitcher may finish pitching to a patter if MAX pitches are reached during the middle of an at-bat.

B.  Pitcher may pitch both games of a double header as long as do not exceed the daily max pitches.

C.  A representative from each team must keep pitch counts for both teams and meet with the base umpire to compare pitch count totals each half inning.  Should the pitch counts not match, the average of the two will be used while round up to the next whole number.

15.  Slide Rule:

               A.  Any runner is out when he:

                              a.  Does not legally slide and causes illegal contact and/or illegally alters the actions of a fielder in the immediate act of making a play, or on a force play, does not slide in a direct line between the bases

                              b.  The runner uses a rolling, cross body or pop-up slide into the fielder.

                              c.  The runners raised leg is higher than the fielder’s knee when the fielder is in a standing position

                              d.  The runner slashes or kicks the fielder with either leg.

               B.  Legal slides

                              a.  Can be either headfirst or feet first

                              b.  If a runner slides feet first, at least one leg and buttock shall be on the ground.

                              c.  If a runner slides, he must be within reach of the base with either hand or a foot.

16.  If a game must be forfeited for any reason, there may be a fine levied against the team causing the forfeit.  The league board will determine the fine.

17.  The league will use the following method to place teams for tournament play: first will be by win/loss record.  Second will be by head-to-head play.  Third by number of runs given up.   League standings will have “co-champs” without tiebreakers. 

18.  The umpires used in a game should be someone that be knowledgeable of the game and that person should be at least high school age or more.

19.  Teams must bat round robin with set batting order with free substitution in the field.  This is mandatory for both teams.  Round robin means:

               A.  All players are in the game and they are batting.  Example: If a coach has 14 players at the game, all 14 must bat in a set order for the whole game.

               B.  A coach cannot elect to bat less than the number of players he has at the game.  Example:  If a coach has 14 players at a game, he cannot bat 12 players.

               C.  During round robin, coaches cannot have one player pinch run for another player, (all players are already in the game) other than a courtesy runner for pitcher or catcher. 

               D.  In the event of an injury to a player such that the player is unable to continue to play in the game, that team will not have an automatic out when that player’s turn to bat comes around in the order.

20.  Any time a pitcher is warming up, the catcher must wear a protective facemask.  This rule is for the player’s safety and will be enforced.

21.  A batter can be intentionally passed by merely informing the umpire that you want to put him on base without pitching to him.

22.  Games in which an illegal pitcher or player is used or has been used will result in that game being forfeited.

23.  A pitcher on the mound cannot have a batting glove on either hand.   No sweat or wristbands, no frayed sleeves or anything that would distract the batter.   This is a Federation rule.

24.  A coach can make one visit per inning to the mound to talk to his pitcher.  A second visit to the mound means that the pitcher must come out.

25.  All league game will be 6 innings in length subject to the time limits, which follow:

               A.  No new innings may start after 1:20 (one hour and twenty minutes).   This time will be reduced with a no new inning starting after 1:10 (one hour and ten minutes) until the last day of school for Dubuque Community School District.  Games will resume the regular time starts with the next new week.   Example: The first game of the evening is scheduled to start at 5:30pm then no new inning could start after 6:50pm.  Exceptions to the rule would be weather, field conditions, and extra-inning games.

26.  The fifteen (15)-run rule will be in effect at the end of three complete innings of play.  The ten (10)-run rule will be in effect at the end of four complete innings of play.  If a team is ahead by 15 runs at the end of the third inning, then the game is over.  If a team is ahead by 10 runs at the end of the fourth inning, then the game is over. 

*If at any time either team is up by 15 funs with time expired, the game is over, regardless of home team.

**The start of the next inning officially begins immediately after the last out of the previous inning.  It does not start with the first pitch of the new inning.  If there is time remaining on the clock then the game may continue.  If time has elapsed, then the game is over.

27.  Pace of play will be at the discretion of the umpires.  Any stoppage in play with less than 5 minutes left in the game will result in the clock being stopped. 

               A.  The home plate umpire will enforce that pitches are delivered in a timely fashion.  Intentional delay with the intent to exploit the time limit rule will not be tolerated.  The first offense will result in a warning to the both benches.  A second offense will result in the ejection of the head coach.  If the second offense occurs with less than 5 mins left the umpire will request the clock be stopped until the first pitch of the next half inning.

               B.  The ejection will be documented and the DILB Board of Directors will determine the appropriate punishment including potential forfeiture of the game. 

28.  Extra inning/Tie Breaker – If a game is tied at the end of its scheduled innings of play or at the end of the allotted time for the game then at the top of the next inning each team will start their portion of the inning with a runner on second base.  The runner will be the last official at bat from the previous inning.  This will be in effect until the game is decided. 

29.  On deck players loosening up to bat next should position themselves out of harm’s way for left or right-handed batters.  You may warm up in front of the opposing team’s dugout to accomplish this.

30.  A courtesy runner is allowed for the pitcher or the catcher at any time.

               A.  A courtesy runner must be used for the catcher when there is two (2) outs.

               B.  The courtesy runner will be the player who made the last out as all players are in the batting lineup because of round robin batting rules.

31.  Bats:

               A.  Nothing larger than a 2 3/4-inch barrel.  There is a -8 drop limit for “A”.  If an illegal bat is found to be used, the batter will automatically be called out.

               B.  Only those bats made by approved USSSA or USA BASEBALL licensed manufacturers that are either:

                              a.  Wood, OR

                              b.  Made with the New USSSA or USA Baseball Mark. 

                              c.  BBCOR is allowed

32.  At least one new baseball must be used to start each game.  This must be a league supplied Wilson A1010 baseball.  The home team will provide the baseballs used for the game.  The ball should be left on the mound between innings.  If non-compliant ball is supplied, it results as a walk on defense or out on offense.

33.  The league will furnish the score sheets for the games.  The umpiring crew will maintain the official scoresheet, tracking the score, pitchers used, and other information.  The official score sheet must be signed by a coach from each team and the game umpires at the conclusion of the game.  The umpire crew is responsible for turning in the score sheets immediately following the game (or set of games for the night) to the score sheet box in the concession stand at the Dubuque Sports Complex.

34.  An umpire will allow no protest on any judgement call.  A protest will be allowed only on a direct rule violation.  This pertains to Federal and League Rules.  Coaches must notify the umpire and opposing coach before the next pitch that the game is being played under protest.  The protest must be presented to the league President within 24 hours of the conclusion of the protested game.  The President will decide according to the Federation and league Rules.  The head coach or the person designated will be the only person discussing a call. 

35.  If a team cannot play a scheduled game, notification must be made to the League President and Director of Scheduling no less than 48 hours in advance of that game.  Failure to do so will result in a forfeit.

36.  If a Player or Coach is ejected from a game, the person must leave the ball park immediately.  The penalties are as follows:

               A.  First ejection will result in a suspension of one game in addition to the remainder of the game where ejection occurred.  The one game suspension must be served during the next team league game played.

               B.  Second ejection will result in indefinite suspension from DILB sponsored games pending board review.

               C.  Suspended individuals will not be allowed on complex grounds while suspension served games are being played

               D.  Suspension must be appealed to the DILB Board for review.



NOTE: Absolutely no carry-ins are allowed in the complex.  Individual water bottles are permitted.

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Dubuque, Iowa 52004

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